Running Anatomy

Running Anatomy

Discover what muscles and joints are involved in running. Learn about running anatomy with our free resource. Do you know what the running gait cycle is? Learn here with our Running Anatomy blog.

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Learn all about various sports anatomy and how sports affect our body anatomically. The anatomical function and benefit of sports with our free resource.

Sports Articles

Swimming Anatomy

Learn about the benefits of swimming on muscles, joints, organs and how swimming is good for our anatomy and wellness.

Stretching Anatomy

Discover more about stretching the muscles and joints with stretching anatomy. Benefits and types of stretches discussed in our free stretching anatomy resource.

Anatomy Of Cycling

Discover what muscles and joints are involved in cycling. Learn about cycling phases and anatomy with our free resource. Learn points of contacts in cycling anatomy.

Running Anatomy

Discover what muscles and joints are involved in running. Learn about running anatomy with our free resource. Do you know what the running gait cycle is? Learn here with our Running Anatomy blog.

Yoga Anatomy

Learn about Yoga Anatomy, the benefits of yoga anatomically and what every good yoga teacher should know about yoga anatomy.

Pilates Anatomy

Learn the benefits of pilates, pilates anatomy and the difference between pilates and yoga with our pilates anatomy free resource. All you need to know about pilates anatomy and how good it is for you.