Keeping Fit in Hot Summer Months
You may struggle with motivation and energy in the summer months, so we’ve compiled a list of the best ways to stay hydrated, energised, and fit. The oppressive heat might hinder summer workouts. A heat-related health problem like heat stroke, heat exhaustion, or excessive dehydration might derail you from your fitness objectives if you aren’t vigilant. The good news is that you may safely work out even on the hottest summer days if you follow a few of our pointers.
Take in the right fluids to stay hydrated
Even on hot days, water is your greatest friend when it comes to remaining well-hydrated; however, you may also want to consider sipping on a sports drink when exercising for longer than 60 minutes.
Sports drinks include potassium and electrolytes, which help you rehydrate and replenish your body while working out for lengthy periods, particularly in the heat. Sodium is a critical component in keeping you cool on a hot day; therefore, it’s possible that in some cases, sports drinks can be beneficial to your health but shouldn’t replace water or be used too often.
Try to consume meals that are rich in water
Did you realise that we get around 80% of our daily water requirements through drinking it? Food accounts for the rest of the 20%. Snack on these water-rich foods to get the most health benefits: celery and cucumbers, tomatoes and radishes; cauliflower, watermelon and spinach; strawberries and broccoli; grapefruit and grapefruit juice; and tomatoes, radishes, and peppers. They all have a water content of at least 90%.
Abide by the 21-day rule for exercise
In order to become a habit, experts recommend dedicating at least three weeks of full effort to your health and exercise routine. Short-term goals may be more motivating than long-term goals when it comes to achieving your fitness program’s long-term objectives. At least for the first 21 days, devise a workout routine that you can adhere to.
A fitness app or free downloadable exercise tracker may help you keep track of your exercises and stay on track with your fitness goals. You may use the app to keep track of your weekly progress and, if you’re able, reward yourself with something other than food, such as movie tickets if you meet your objectives.
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View AllWear breathable fabrics
It’s not only about eating properly and staying hydrated in the heat of the summer; dressing in light, airy clothing is an important part of staying cool and fresh. You’ll keep cool thanks to the reflective properties of your light-coloured clothing. Wearing cotton, which is a permeable material, will keep you cool, and you’ll stay feeling fresh all day long.
Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil has a cooling effect and may be used to combat the sweltering weather. To activate your cold-sensitive nerve receptors, apply some high-quality peppermint oil. You may also apply a drop to the back of your neck by mixing it with a little coconut oil. Even though it will make you feel much cooler, it will not really reduce your body temperature.
Timing is everything
Summer’s warmest hours are often considered to be between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. If you’re planning an outdoor exercise, try to avoid this time window. Early morning workouts are popular among athletes because they provide sustained energy levels throughout the day and improved rest at night.
Therefore, summer is a great time to remain energetic by eating enough water-rich fruits and vegetables, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. You should stock up on fresh fruits and green vegetables packed with water and critical nutrients if you want to maintain a healthy physique. Give yourself a break when you start to feel dizzy, queasy, or exhausted. To avoid becoming ill or injured from overdoing your training, taking a few days off is advisable to recuperate. It may be necessary to do many short exercises throughout the day if your usual high-intensity workout proves to be too taxing in the summer heat. This will allow your body to recover and replenish its energy stores without interfering with your fitness and activity plans.
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